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Effective Risk Management

Management is performed by keeping alert and monitoring risk levels  

The purpose of the Risk Management Division is to develop the ultimate protection framework for the portfolios under management and the investment performance. Specifically, the department's task is to adopt and implement policies, procedures and regulations that contribute to the following:

  • Risk identification, in relation to the activities, procedures and the Company's operating systems 
  • Risk management resulting from investments made on behalf of the UCITS 
  • Configuration of acceptable risk levels when managing UCITS portfolios or providing investment services of portfolio management to clients and offering advisory services to clients
  • Effective crisis management and emergency pathologies 

The Risk Management Division implements specific policies in every stage of the investment process in order to assess exposure of portfolios to market, liquidity, counterparty, or operational risks:  
  • Daily monitoring of the portfolio investment universe 
  • Timely and accurate identification of risk factors affecting portfolios 
  • Reliable monitoring and systematic calculation of the risk level of client portfolios
  • Risk management according to the levels of the client investment profile 
  • Stress tests and scenario analysis to address risks arising from potential market changes
  • Regular back tests to reassess the adequacy of risk measurement configurations