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Piraeusinvest Enhanced Liquidity USD Fund

Key Facts

Currency $
Inception Date 2/12/2016
Benchmark -
Assets Under Management $8,778,133.49
Net Asset Value $10.1600
ISIN LU1508974679
Management Fee 0.20%
Management Company Piraeus Asset Management MFMC
Depositary Quintet Private Bank (Europe) S.A.
Reference Date 29/9/2023
Reference Date

This is a marketing communication. Please refer to the Forms of the Fund before making any final investment decisions.

Investment Objective

The board of directors of the Management Company Piraeus Asset Management MFMC, decided to liquidate the PiraeusInvest Fund as of 29 September 2023.

The sub-fund’s investment objective is to increase its net asset value (the“Net Asset Value”) by making short-term placements. The sub-fund PiraeusInvest Enhanced Liquidity Fund USD invests primarily in investment grade short term bonds and money market instruments of any type of issuer denominated in USD.

Asset Allocation

Synthetic Risk Indicator
Lower Risk

Higher Risk

Price Evolution
1 year

Price Evolution
5 years

Price Evolution

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Investment Amount Evolution €10.000
1 year

Investment Amount Evolution €10.000
5 years

Investment Amount Evolution €10.000

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