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Terms Of Use

The present website’s goal is to provide general key information to its visitors about UCITS and other UCIS that PIRAEUS ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC (the “Company”) manages and/or allocates, as well as other financial products and services offered by the Company. The information provided to the visitors of this Website should by no means be regarded, directly or indirectly, as investment advice, solicitation of an offer for investment, sale or purchase or arbitrage offer of shares or units in any fund defined herein, nor should it in any case be interpreted as such. It should fall within the absolute discretion of the users, to evaluate the information provided and act based on their own free will, developing personal initiative. Unless otherwise stated, all cited herein views, statements and information belong to the Company and may be modified at any time in case market conditions change. The information provided may not be copied, reproduced, modified or distributed without the Company’s prior written consent.  
Investments involve risks. The initial value of the investment and its performance may rise or fall, resulting in possible loss of the invested capital. Interested investors are invited, prior to making any investment decision, to refer to and carefully read the Key Information Documents (KIDs) and the UCITS report and to consider, with the help and advice of qualified professional advisors, the suitability of any investment and the tax consequences this might incorporate. 
The form of the Key Information Documents, the reports, regulations and the latest bulletins regarding the Company’s UCITS are available in Greek for free, at the Company headquarters, on this website and in any Piraeus Bank branch. Answers to potential questions of visitors to this site can be submitted both to the shareholder services department of the Company, by phone at 210 328 8222, and to any Piraeus Bank branch.
The use of this website is the sole responsibility of the user, who expressly acknowledges and accepts that the information and the services provided hereby are offered as is, without being accompanied by any guarantee, either explicitly or implicitly stated. UCITS have no guaranteed return and previous performances do not guarantee any future returns. Given the financial and market risks, there can be no assurance that the UCITS will achieve their investment goals.  
This site includes hyperlinks to other websites. Hyperlinks are provided in order to maximize the provided services to the visitors of this website and by no means suggest that the Company approves the said website or proposes or promotes the therein presented products and services. The use and access to the connected websites is the user’s sole responsibility and the Company or its Board of Directors or its managers by no means acknowledge or accept any responsibility for the information or services included in these websites, even if these websites belong to Piraeus Group companies. The Company maintains the right to terminate at any time, at its own discretion, without prior notice, the connection to other websites or programs.
The contents of this Website, excluding links, including – indicatively but without limitation - texts, news, graphics, photographs, drawings, images, provided services and, in general, all kinds of files, are protected by copyright and are subject to the national and international provisions concerning the protection of intellectual property rights of PIRAEUS ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC. The explicitly acknowledged rights of third parties are solely excluded. Consequently, the reproduction, republication, copy, storage, sale, transmission, distribution, publication, execution, download, translation, modification in any way, partly or in summary, of the contents, without prior written consent of PIRAEUS ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC, is strictly forbidden. By accessing any part of the website, the user agrees and explicitly states that any information contained on the pages will not be redistributed. Exceptionally, the individual storage and copy of parts of the content on an ordinary personal computer is allowed only for strictly personal use, without purpose of commercial use or exploitation of any other kind and always under the condition that the source of origin is mentioned. This constitutes by no means a copyright license.
The management and protection of personal data of the user/ visitor of this Website is subject to the terms of this document and the relative provisions of both the Greek Law (L. 2472 / 1997, Presidential Decree 207 / 1998. Presidential Decree 79 / 2000 and No.8 L. 2819 / 2000) and the European Law (Directive 95/46/ΕC and 97/66/ΕC). These data are never made available to third parties (with the exception of the competent authorities, as required by the Law), and their confidential character is preserved. This website does not retain any personal data on purpose, and even in case such personal data are collected automatically or due to the user’s actions, they are archived exclusively for reasons of communication, information, complaint filing, statistics and improvement of the services provided by PIRAEUS ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC. In addition, in case of links to other websites, this Website is not responsible for the personal data management and protection terms they may adopt and apply. In any case, the user/visitor of this Website may ask the Company to preserve or not their personal file and require its deletion, correction or change after they have contacted the competent department of the Company. In this case, their request shall be directly accepted.
By virtue of this document, the user irrevocably agrees, acknowledges and declares that in case of a lawsuit or claim, either administrative or legal, filed against this Website, resulting from any offence or any kind of action committed by the user, including the use of data for unauthorized distribution of  products, or unauthorized link to this website, the user assumes the responsibility to intervene in the relative procedure and indemnify PIRAEUS ASSET MANAGEMENT MFMC in case it is required to pay any compensation or any other costs.
The use of this website is subject to the provisions of Greek Law. The Courts of Athens are competent for any differences or disputes arising due to the application or the interpretation of the said terms of use. In case any of the terms of use of this website are found to be against the law and are as a result void or voidable, they cease to be in force, without affecting the rest of the terms of use. The terms of use of this website may be modified at any time by the Company, without prior notice.